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Letters to Friends and Family

Things have been moving fast for us since our last post. We are nearing the end of our home study, we have been hard at work on our required adoption education, and are furiously fundraising.

Our home study is nearing completion. We have a few more interviews as a family and a couple of individual interviews with our social worker. Part of our home study involves learning more about the adoption process and best strategies for integrating our child into our family. There is so much that we didn't know when we started this journey. The amount of documents that we have read about laws, regulations, and immigration statuses has been overwhelming at times. But we truly have enjoyed the education about our son's culture, tips on parenting an adopted child, and hearing the stories of other parents that have adopted and the stories of the social worker conducting our home study.

We are in the middle of three fundraisers.


Bre will be putting her years of retail experience to use and will be wrapping gifts at a boutique store on Black Friday and for anyone throughout the Christmas season.


We also have written a letter to our friends and family. We know that most of them already know about our adoption. But without a growing belly to take pictures of we still wanted a way to make sure that everyone knew about our little one coming soon and how they can help.

Hope loved helping us get the letters into the mailbox.


Our third fundraiser is "Pancakes with Santa." The plan is to have a pancake feed with Santa pictures. We are currently looking for a brave soul to play Santa while we are slapping pancakes on the griddle or a cook that will take Caleb's spot while he plays Santa.

There is a lot of faith, hope, and trust in the process. We know that God will provide a path for us and though we can't see him just yet, we know that our son is waiting for us and we can't wait to see him.

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