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200 White Envelopes... Which Number Will You Choose?

Dear Friends,

Our decision to pursue international adoption didn't occur on a whim. It has been a long, thought out life-changing decision spanning many years. International adoption is a long process, with tedious paperwork and many fees to assure that the adopted child is safe and finds a loving permanent home. Just to name a few, there are application fees, home study fees, dossier fees, translation fees, lawyer fees, travel fees, post adoption fees, etc. Caleb and I know that coming up with the funds for our adoption funds on two teacher's salaries is going to be difficult. The last several years we have worked to significantly reduce our debt through frugal living and hard work. This has freed up some income that we will continue to put towards this adoption. We have faith and know that in time, through our sacrifices, diligence, hard work and fortunate blessings from others that God will provide the means and see us through to bringing our wonderful child home.

200 White Envelopes

The color white represents peace in Latin America. Our hope is to provide peace for a child when he/she finds their forever home with us.

While this fundraiser will involve more virtual white envelopes than actual ones, I do hope that it comes with wishes of peace and prayers for our sweet child and our growing family!

200 Envelopes For Papita.jpg


First, like/join our Facebook page "Moore Amor To Share: Allison Familia Adoption Aventura" Please feel free to share and invite your friends!

Next, choose an available envelope. (Envelopes with hearts have been taken.) There are 200 envelopes, numbered 1-200. The number you choose is the amount you are wanting to donate. For example, if you choose envelope 35 you would donate $35.

You could get together with a group of friends (from work, school, church, etc.) and choose an envelope. Some of the higher numbered envelopes would be great for your group. For example, if you and your friends commit to envelope 166, you would collect and donate $166.

Then, go to our YouCaring page and donate the amount that corresponds to the envelope you chose! If you prefer not to donate online but want to participate, please email me or contact me on Facebook.

Finally, celebrate! You just blessed our family in an amazing way!

NOTE: We will try to keep up with the envelopes being taken on the Facebook page. You are also free to choose multiple envelopes but it by no means required.

Thank you VERY much for your continued support as we go throughout this adoption aventura. We are overwhelmingly blessed to be surrounded by a caring community that is excited to bring our little "Papita" home!

Much Amor,

The Allison Familia

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