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A Little More About Us

Caleb and I have a lot in common. We love various genres of music, food, being goofy, traveling, teaching, geocaching and being with one another. Becoming parents was always a dream of ours. We knew becoming parents would be difficult because I discovered at 16 that I was born with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Essentially, I don't ovulate on my own. Instead of releasing an egg, my ovaries produce painful cysts. Before we even met, I'd already had one surgery to remove cysts and had others taken care of with medication.

After our marriage in 2007, we slowly started reaching our goals and "getting our ducks in a row" to try to become parents. We were hired for our first teaching jobs in Moore, Oklahoma. Thanks to Caleb being a military veteran, we were able to purchase our first home. Next, we adopted our wonderful dog Benny from the American Brittany Rescue. We saved money and purchased a reliable vehicle. After that, we decided to begin trying to have children.

We knew it would be tough. I just didn't know how emotionally exhausting and trying it was going to be. I lost weight to help us conceive, saw specialized doctors, monitored my health closely, and tried many tips and tricks. At the same time, we were also going through DHS to become certified to adopt. My fertility doctor prescribed me a medicine to ovulate in August of 2012. The day before my ovulation ultrasound in mid-August, my doctor's office called me and said he was no longer practicing. I cried until no tears were left. We couldn't afford any other fertility doctors in our area because they didn't accept our insurance. Caleb was my rock and we prayed. We left it up to God and continued pushing through with trying to conceive and adoption.

Two weeks later, our years of prayers were answered. Despite the many obstacles, we were pregnant and our little one was to arrive in May of 2013! Knowing that I could be pregnant with multiples from the fertility medication, we put our adoption on hold to wait and see how our lives would unfold.

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